46 years ago today, that is on Thursday, February 8, 1979 Siouxsie & the Banshees (GBR), live in Schouwburg, Sittard, the Netherlands http://www.newwavephotos.com/Banshees4/ #siouxsiethroughmylens @siouxsieandthebanshees Copy #1
44 years ago today, that is on Sunday, February 8, 1981 Throbbing Gristle (GBR), live in Lyceum, London, UK http://www.newwavephotos.com/ThrobbingGristle/ Copy #2
43 years ago today, that is on Monday, February 8, 1982 the Names (BEL), live in Der Hallen, Leuven, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/Names5/ @thenamesmusic Copy #3
43 years ago today, that is on Monday, February 8, 1982 Marine (BEL), live in Der Hallen, Leuven, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/Marine/ Copy #4
43 years ago today, that is on Monday, February 8, 1982 Richard Jobson (GBR), live in Der Hallen, Leuven, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/RichardJobson3/ Copy #5
43 years ago today, that is on Monday, February 8, 1982 Rhythm of Life (Paul Haig) (GBR), live in Der Hallen, Leuven, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/PaulHaig1/ Copy #6
43 years ago today, that is on Monday, February 8, 1982 the Durutti Column (GBR), live in Der Hallen, Leuven, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/DuruttiColumn9/ @fac515 Copy #7