44 years ago today, that is on Monday, February 16, 1981 Human League (GBR), live and posed in RTBF, Brussels, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/HumanLeague2/ @thehumanleague Copy #1
43 years ago today, that is on Tuesday, February 16, 1982 Pale Fountains (GBR), live in Beursschouwburg, Brussels, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/PaleFountains/ Copy #2
43 years ago today, that is on Tuesday, February 16, 1982 Tuxedomoon (USA/BEL), live in Beursschouwburg, Brussels, Belgium http://www.newwavephotos.com/Tuxedomoon6/ Copy #3